Friday, June 11, 2010

End of the first week

Salmo 103 (Psalm 103)

Learning to adapt to a new environment can be tough - especially when that environment is so very different from what you know at home. This is the first time in my life that I have had reason to feel out of place. People stare - mostly because they don't normally see fair-skinned, blondes walking their streets. I feel comfortable here, as in safe and not in danger as I walk in and around our part of town. But, it's just different. No longer do I feel free to take off by myself and go for a run. No longer do I feel like I can truly enjoy the things I like to do - either because they don't exist here or there is a language barrier in asking for what you need or there is a safety or transportation barrier in getting where you want to go. You become incredibly dependent upon those around you who know the ropes and how to navigate your way around. You also have to adapt your interests to those of the majority - no matter what they are - because it isn't safe to go and do things on your own. Of course, the other option is to sit at home - NO GRACIAS!

I've come to quickly realize several things about this in particular, but most importantly, I've learned how much I take for granted in the life I live in the U.S. I hope I am learning to be more thankful in all situations and to sing praises to God always - no matter the circumstances. Things might be different here, but I still have plenty of food to eat, shelter to protect, clothes to wear, people to spend time with, a mind to learn, and a heart and body to serve. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy,
    Just a note that I enjoyed reading about your recent adventures, and that I am thinking about and praying for you all in these first few weeks of transition, especially. Benediciones!
    Gracia y Paz,
